We provide a range of services from routine preventative healthcare to surgical and diagnostic treatments.
As a practice we are striving to be environmentally sustainable. We have in place recycling stations, recycling collections from a local company. We also have solar panels and an MHVR system that generates our energy and heat.
We are always looking to do more within the practice, to make us even more sustainable.
We acknowledge that our veterinary services and operations have an impact on the environment and we aim to continually improve our carbon footprint and make our practice more sustainable.
We have identified the following key business activities that contribute to our overall environmental and carbon footprint:
Reducing our consumption of water, energy, fuel, anaesthetic gases, paper and plastics.
Carbon emissions from fleet and staff vehicles.
Reduce overall waste and recycle where possible.
Using medicines responsibly: antimicrobials and parasiticides.
Use of raw materials (prescribed drugs, medical syringes and needles)
Having identified the key environmental impacts of our practice, we commit to reducing these through a journey of continual improvement. We pledge to contribute to a healthy environment for our employees and patients.
As a practice we have set the following targets:
Reduce fuel emissions more- car share and arrange more zone visit days.
Find surgical gowns and sterilisation pouches we can recycle.
Reduce general waste.
We communicate this policy to all staff and clients. Encouraging feedback and participation from all. We provide necessary training to raise awareness of environmental matters and allow opportunities to contribute to changes.
Signed: Thomas Rees MA VetMB MRCVS Director
Date: 25th February 2024